How To Get Over A Breakup? Tips and Ideas

How To Get Over A Breakup

Going through a heartbreak is a hard episode for everyone and if it is the first time someone plays with your feelings, you might need some professional advice to handle your emotions and your situation as a whole. Here are …

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How to Choose the Right Air Purifier?

Choose the Right Air Purifier

Why do we need an air purifier? Air pollution, both external and indoor, can significantly affect your health. An air purifier or cleaner removes dust, pollutants, or allergens from the air in a room. Numerous studies demonstrate that poor air …

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How to Change Your Career Path at Any Age?

how to change carrer

In a digital era that is constantly developing and adapting, changing your career path to a better-paid job or a more suitable one for your needs and personality is a normal step. Sometimes it is boredom, sometimes it is the …

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How to choose the Best Food for your cat?

best food for cat

Everyone that has a cat knows that apart from veterinary care, the most important expense is the food. This has a direct impact on how much energy your cat has, how shiny its fur looks, and how much it sheds. …

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How To Write A Good CV? Tips and recommendations

how to create a cv

Nowadays applying for a job and getting it can be a real challenge, especially if your CV lacks the right structure and you don’t focus on the essentials. Most talent acquisition specialists scan the CVs by keywords and if your …

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How to plant trees surfing the internet?


Sounds impossible, doesn’t it? But it’s simple and true! In this article I will show you how you can do this, planting trees from the comfort of your home, just surfing the internet. How climate changes are affecting our lives? …

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